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Monday, April 16, 2012

Overwhelmed...yeah, aren't we all?

Lately, I have been feeling overwhelmed. I don't know what it is, blame it on spring cleaning, end of year testing for the kids, my new part-time, unpaid, job in the city planning it's year celebration....whatever it is killing my motivation - DEAD
So, after a weekend of drowning my tears in crap food, crap effort and crap parenting; I have got to get myself out of this downward spiral. Here comes 'list Natalie'...yeah, it's my crazy alter ego that writes everything down and crosses things off until eventually 'zen Natalie' returns and helps me find my balance again. Does this make me a bi-polar, crazed, stay-at-home mom? Yes, but it also keeps me somewhat focused...even if it means 50% at extremes and 50% on the line. What can I say, I'm human...big time.

So 'List Natalie' went a hunting to try to find some kind of gameplan to re-create the illusion that I AM in charge. Yes, I am fully aware that it's an illusion, but I need it, to stay sane. Seriously, the more stressed I feel the worse I eat, the later I sleep, the less healthy water and exercise I get, the more stressed I feel, the worse I eat...etc. etc. - you get the idea. So as I went hunting I stumbled upon this little gem and wanted to share it with you guys. 10 Daily habits for Moms , I know what you're thinking...what is it with this girl and habits? I don't know, I like things that are effective and simple.

The list is so simple and comprehensive that I will be instituting them today and see how we do. Much like our own 5 Heathy Habits they keep you sane, create a sense of order and control but are still flexible enough not to throw the baby out with the bath water ever time you miss one.

You'll have to check them out and let me know what you think. Me...I think I will combine and simplify her list until I can get 5 basic ones....I don't know why, but 5 always seems more doable than 10. Yes, I know I'm nuts...but in a good way, right?

1 comment:

Linda Kinikini said...

Nuts? Yes... but DEFINITELY in a good way... And I am right there by you! Great article my friend!