Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nicole's Story 90 day transformation!

you have to check out my girl, Nicole. She entered a weight loss/health competition and was gracious enough to share her story with all of us. She made this difference in 3 months. So in her own words...my inspiring friend Nicole.


My weight loss goals were to lose 20 pounds by losing body fat and getting stronger through exercise. I was successful in my weight loss goal and exceeded it by 10% (I lost 22 pounds, and now 2 weeks later I've lost another 4 pounds!)! My total body fat was 24.2% which was lower than what I hoped I could accomplish (a total fat loss of 7.2% body fat!).
I wanted to exercise 3-5 times a week and I accomplished this goal (other than the one week I got sick).
I also wanted to get stronger, to gain muscle instead of lose it.
I have to say that my first day of working out with Cross-Fit kicked my butt and I was sore for days!!! But I came back because I wanted to lose weight and I wanted to be healthier and stronger. I know that cardio and weight training are both necessary for a healthy body, but I never knew you cold combine them quite like Cross-Fit knows how to! I love that I am stronger (some recent numbers after four months at three days a week with some home adjusted WOD's of Cross-Fit: 60 lb. shoulder press, 90 lb. back squat, 185 lb. deadlift), but I am mostly excited about how it makes me feel (yes that sounds girly, but I am a girl). Some days I come to exercise and I am in one bad mood. Do a workout and throw that bad mood goodbye (thank heavens - thus I am a HAPPIER mom!!!!!). I started off pretty weak and out of shape. As I have watched my progress in the little things I have found joy and excitement in them. Little things such as getting my squats lower and doing a handstand, or being able to do five full push-ups on my toes shows just some of my little successes. All this progression has really built my confidence in myself, which is something I wasn't anticipating. I still have a long way to go, but I KNOW now that I can and will do it and be super strong! 
I also have to say that working out with the Anderson's where they have created such a positive atmosphere where there is constant encouragement by them and the others I work out with has made a huge difference in accomplishing workouts and how I think all-together. I also see the power in working out with others to encourage you on and to help push you more than you would have pushed yourself otherwise. It's also nice to have a little healthy competition. 
I remember that there was one WOD where we had to run 200 meters and then do burpees, all five or six times. I remember after the first round I was in such a bad mood that I considered quitting right there and driving home. I kept debating with myself yes or no. I finally just said stop debating and DO. So I got down and did more burpees and finished the workout. That was the best thing I have done! Never quit! Keep going until you get it done. Quitting only sets you up for more failure. Now that can be used simply for just Cross-Fit or it can be used in every day life. That's what I love about Cross-Fit, it's not only exercise, but a change of how you think about all sorts of things!

Measurements: Beginning (1/09/12) End (5/01/12)
Age 32                     33
Weight 170 lbs        148 lbs
BMI 24.39               21.23
Body Fat 31.4%      24.2%
Left Bicep 11.5"     10.25"
Right Bicep 11.75" 10.25"
Waist 32.5"             29"
Hip 41.5"                37.75"
A lot has changed in little ways that others may not notice, but I have. I eat healthier and think about what I eat, whether it be choosing to indulge in that brownie or adding more vegetables to my dinner plate. I eat and enjoy vegetables and fruits many times a day. My meal sizes are smaller. I have learned that you can have a really large, satisfying 212 calorie salad instead of a fully loaded 700 calorie meal of meat, potatoes, and a small side of veggies. I have learned to look for yummy vegetable recipes so that I eat more vegetables. I eat healthy and still have those decadent meals of lasagna with salad and garlic toast every once in a while (I've also learned to have less lasagna and toast and more salad!). I found that I loved eating small meals and snacks ever 2-3 hours because I wasn't getting hungry. I realized that sometimes to eat healthy you may have to take a little more time to make a tuna salad than simply throwing together a PBJ sandwich and that a bag of veggies are a great snack on the run. I learned to curb my emotional eating by finding smaller or healthier alternatives to sweets (a dozen dark chocolate chips was just as satisfying as two chocolate chip cookies or that chia chocolate cereal is a healthy treat). I have taken time to educate myself about foods such as chia seeds and amaranth, that raw cashews may not be the healthiest snack in the world, and why I still want and should eat whole grains when some friends were encouraging me not to eat them to lose weight. I have learned that some foods just aren't satisfying so don't eat them. I exercise three times a week and I feel so much happier and less emotional when I do. Even better has been seeing my children eat more vegetables because they see me eating them. I know that the habits of eating well and exercising combined with the use of Slim & Sassy all contributed greatly to my success and I couldn't have done it nearly as well without all of them. I am grateful for exercise, healthy eating, and Slim & Sassy because they all helped me have more energy and a desire to be more active. They all have helped me become happier. They all have helped me develop greater confidence because I have learned that I can do more than I first believed I could. Thank You!

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